Nature meets History on a Walk through Oakly Park to Ludlow

1st June 2024

Oakly Park is a hidden gem on the outskirts of Ludlow, just 25 minutes’ drive from The School House B&B. The park is home to much of the livestock that's reared for the local produce that you can buy at the nearby Ludlow Farmshop. It’s worth popping in there after the walk to pick up some delicious local goodies. Or you can grab a coffee at the Ludlow Pantry before you set off.

The park entrance is just near Bromfield Church where there is parking on the roadside opposite the church (please don't park on the church car park). This is a really peaceful walk that leads you through the park and surrounding farmland on the outskirts of Ludlow, across the River Teme at Dinham Bridge.

After taking in the views across the river, head up the hill to historic Ludlow Castle, St Laurence’s Church and the market square. It’s a fairly flat walk with wide tracks, a perfect walk if you’re with friends or family. For the most part you’re walking on tarmac so it’s not muddy underfoot and there are no stiles so it’s dog-friendly too.

We usually do the walk both ways with a rest in Ludlow - it's just over an hour each way. Or you can just walk to Priors Halton Farm and back if you don't want to go all the way into Ludlow. If you're in a group and really organised, you could leave one car at the start and one near the end so you only have to walk one way.

Oakly Park to Ludlow Walk Directions

Starting from Bromfield, take the road heading away from the A49, past the Park Gatehouse and across a weir on the River Teme by an old mill. Follow the private road as it opens out into farmland with stunning views of the rolling hills.

River Teme and Oakly Park

Eventually you’ll come to Priors Halton Farm, where the sound of snorting pigs will be accompanied by an unmistakeable smell. But fear not – the smell is short-lived as you will soon be out of the farm and onto the road that leads you into Ludlow.

A Glimpse at Ludlow's History

A little while after the farm, you'll start to see a glimpse of Ludlow Castle and St. Laurence Church, with the profile of Titterstone Clee Hill in the distance. This stretch is a public road so please be mindful of traffic.

As you come into Ludlow, keep ahead as the road leads you to Dinham Bridge, from where many of the iconic photos of Ludlow Castle are taken. Below the bridge on Millennium Green is CSONS Green Café – one of several dog-friendly places where you can stop for a coffee or a bite to eat. Or you can head on up the hill towards the castle and St. Laurence Church, with its own coffee shop – Icon Coffee – which is also dog-friendly.

Dinham Bridge and Ludlow Castle

Take a Tour of Ludlow Castle

Ludlow Castle is a magnificent sight and still very well-preserved - it's steeped in history dating back to the 11th century. Take a tour of the castle and learn about its fascinating past, including its role in the Wars of the Roses. Or wander round the market stalls and Ludlow’s independent shops, where dogs are always made welcome with a treat or two.

Ludlow Castle interior

Climb the Tower of St. Laurence Church

If you have enough energy left after the walk from Bromfield, we'd highly recommend a climb up to the top of St. Laurence Church tower. For a small donation you can head up the 200 steps for undoubtedly the best view in Ludlow town, overlooking the market square and the castle grounds.

View from St. Laurence Tower Ludlow

If you’re looking for a walk with a perfect blend of nature and history, or if you just fancy a stroll without getting your boots muddy, then a walk through Oakly Park is a must-do.

Keywords: Ludlow, Walks, Dog-Friendly